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 Заголовок сообщения: Some Books and Papers by A.I.ORLOV
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Some Books and Papers by A.I.ORLOV


Stability of Mathematical Models in Social Science and Economics. Moscow, Nauka, 1979, 296 pp.[in Russian].
Optimization Problems and Fuzzy Variables. Moscow, Znanie, 1980, 64 pp.[in Russian].
Analysis of Nonnumerical Information. Moscow,Scientific Council "Cybernetics" of Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1981, 80 pp. (with Yu.N.Tyurin, B.G.Litvak, G.A.Satarov, D.S.Shmerling) [in Russian].
Mathematics for Evening Circles of Schoolchildren (6-8 forms). The Book for Teachers. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1977, 288 pp.; 1984, 286 pp.; Moldav translation: Kishinev, Lumina, 1980; Lithuan
translation: Kaunas, Svesa, 1982; Kazach translation: Alma-Ata, Mektep, 1986 (with V.A.Gusev, A.L.Rosental') [in Russian].
GOST 11.011-83 (State Standart of the U.S.S.R. No.11.011-83) Applied Statistics. Point and Interval Estimators for Parameters of Gamma Distribution. - Moscow, Publishing House "Standart", 1984, 53 pp.; 1985, 49 pp. (with 5 coauthors) [in Russian].
Recommendation. Applied Statistics. Methods of Data Analysis. Basic Requirements and Characteristics. Moscow. All-Union Standartization Institute, 1987, 64 pp.[in Russian].
Data Analysis Software "PAAnD" (Packet for Applied Analysis of Data). Book for Students. Moscow, Professional Hygiene Collaborating Center of World Health Organization, 1990, 93 pp. ( with 10 coauthors) [in Russian].
On Theoretical Foundations of "Free Children Mathematics" Work and the Experience of Evening Mathematical School at Moscow Mathematical Society. Bulletin No.2 of All-Union Center of Statistical Methods and Informatics. Moscow, All-Union Center of Statistical Methods and Informatics, 1991, 48 pp. [in Russian].


The Estimations of Convergence Rates for Distributions of Some Nonparametric Statistics. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL.,1971, V.XYI, No.3, P.583-584 [in Russian; translated in English].
On Testing the Symmetry of Distribution.THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1972, V.XYII, No.2, P.372-377 [in Russian; translated in English].
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions in Limit Theory of Statistics of Integral Type. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL.,1973, V.XYIII, No.3, P.673- -675 [in Russian; translated in English].
The Transposition from the Summs to the Integrals and Its Applications for Asymptotic Distributions of Some Statistics. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1973, V.XYIII, No.4, P. 881 - 883 [in Russian; translated in English].
The Asymptotic Behavior of Statistics of Integral Type. SOVIET MATH. DOKL., 1974, V.15, No.6, P.1676-1680.
The Rate of Convergence of the Mises-Smirnov Statistic's Distribution. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1974, V.XIX, No.4, P.766-786 [in Russian; translated in English].
Convergence Rate Estimations for Distributions of Statistics of Integral Type Defined by Means of Empirical Processes. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1975, V.XX, No.3, P.698-700 [in Russian; translated in English].
Sur la stabilite dans les modeles economiques discrets et les modeles de gestion des stocks. PUBLICATIONS ECONOMETRIQUES.1977, V.X, f.2, P.63-81.
Uniform Estimation of Error Term on Second Order in Asymptotic Expansion for the Distribution Function of Smirnov's Two-Sample Statistics. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1978, V.XXIII, No.2, P.461-462 [in Russian; translated in English] (with I.V.Orlovskii).
Random Sets: the Laws of Large Numbers, the Test of Statistical Hypothesis. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1978, V.XXIII, No.2, P.462-464 [in Russian; translated in English].
Fuzzy Theory and Random Sets. In: Mathematical Modelling in Psychology. Questions of Cybernetics, No.50. Moscow, Scientific Council "Cybernetics" of Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1979, P.35-43 [in Russian].
Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects and Expert Judgments. In: Expert Judgments. Questions of Cybernetics, No.58. Moscow, Scientific Council "Cybernetics" of Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1979, P.17-33 [in Russian].
Estimation of Dimensions of Regression Models. In: Algorithms and Software for Applied Statistical Analysis. Moscow, Nauka, 1980, P.92-97 [in Russian].
Random Sets with Independent Elements (Lusians) and Its Applications. In: Algorithms and Software for Applied Statistical Analysis. Moscow, Nauka, 1980, P.287-308 [in Russian].
Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects. THEOR. PROBABILITY APPL., 1980, V.XXYI, No.3, P.655-656 [in Russian; translated in English].
On the Development of Applied Statistics. In: Modern Problems of Cybernetics (Applied Statistics). Moscow, Znanie, 1981, p.3-14 [in Russian].
Some Unsolved Mathematical Problems of Applied Statistics. In: Modern Problems of Cybernetics (Applied Statistics). Moscow, Znanie, 1981, p.53-63 (with N.G.Zagoruyko) [in Russian].
The Connection between Mean Values and Admissible Transformations of the Scale. MATHEMATICAL NOTES, 1981, V.30, No.4, P.561-568 [in Russian; translated in English].
Kinetocardiography in the Recognition of Asynergic Zones in Myocardial Infaction Patients. CLINICAL MEDICINE, 1982, V.LX, No.3,
P.25-30 (with V.G,Popov, G.A.Aksenova, N.K.Rozova, E.S.Kuzmina) [in Russian].
Paired Comparisons in Kolmogorov Asymptotic. In: Expert Judgments in Control Problems. Moscow, Institute of Control Problems (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.), 1982, P.58-66 [in Russian].
Asymptotics of Solutions of Extremal Statistical Problems. In: Analysis of Nonnumerical Data in System Studies. Moscow, All-Union Institute of System Studies (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.), 1982, P.4-12 [in Russian].
Nonparametric Density Estimators in Topological Spaces. In: Applied Statistics. Moscow, Nauka, 1983, P.12-40 [in Russian].
Some Probabilistic Problems in Classification Theory. In: Applied Statistics. Moscow, Nauka, 1983, P.166-179 [in Russian].
Basic Ideas of Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects. In: Analysis of Nonnumerical Information in Sociology. Moscow, Nauka, 1985, P.58-92 [in Russian].
Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects. In: Statistics, Probability and Economics. Moscow, Nauka, 1985. P.99-107 [in Russian].
On Some Results of Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects.In: Software and Algorithms for Data Analysis iin Medicine and Biology. Pushchino, Biological Center of Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1986, P.61-71 (with G.V.Rydanova) [in Russian].
What Does Applied Statistics Contribute to the National Economy? HERALD OF STATISTICS, 1986, No.8, P.52-57 [in Russian].
Nonuniform Bounds on the Convergence Rate in the Invariance Principle. JOURNAL OF SOVIET MATHEMATICS, 1987, V.39, No.2, P.2624-2632.
Sone Nonclassical Problems in Regression Analysis and Classification Theory. In: Software and Algorithms for Data Analysis in Medicine and Biology. Moscow, Nauka, 1987, P.27-40 [in Russian].
On the Use of Statistical Methods in Biomedical Research. HERALD OF ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE U.S.S.R., 1987, No.2, P.88-94 [in Russian].
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. ZAVODSKAYA LABORATORIYA. 1988, V.54, No.1, P.1-4 (with B.V,Gnedenko) [in Russian].
Modern Statistical Methods in Standartization and Quality Measurement. STANDARTS and QUALITY. 1988. No.3, P.32-36 (with V.S.Krivtsov, V.N.Fomin) [in Russian].
Error Term Estimate on Second Order for the Distribution Function of Smirnov's Two-Sample Statistics. JOURNAL OF SOVIET MATHEMATICS, 1988, V.40, No.2, P.214-220 (with I.V.Orlovskii).
Method of Moments for Testing the Goodness of Fit with a Parametric Family of Distribution Functions. INDUSTRIAL LABORATORY, 1990 (April), V.55, No.10, P.1209-1212.
Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects (Review).INDUSTRIAL LABORATORY, 1990 (September), V.56, No.3, P.340-350.
Similarity Metric: Axiomatic Definition and Asymptotic Normality. JOURNAL OF SOVIET MATHEMATICS, 1991, V.53, No.6, P.648-655 (with G.V.Raushenbakh).
Influence of Errors in Observations on Properties of Statisical Procedures (on the Example of Gamma-Distribution).JOURNAL OF SOVIET MATHEMATICS, 1991, V.56, No.3, P.2434-2438.
How Often Are the Observations Normal? INDUSTRIAL LABORATORY, 1992 (January), V.57, No.7, P.770-772.
Contemporary Problems of Introduction of Applied Statistics and Other Statistical Methods (Generalising Article). INDUSTRIAL LABORATORY, 1992 (July), V.58, No.1, P.93-103.
Interval Statistics. INTERVAL COMPUTATIONS. 1992, No,1 (3), P.44-52.
On the Development of the Statistics of Nonnumerical Objects. DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS AND DATA ANALYSIS: NEW TRENDS AND RESULTS. Ed. by prof.E.K.Letzky. Moscow: ANTAL, 1993. P.52-90 [in English].
Instability in Parametric Methods of Rejecting Outlying Observations (Advice). INDUSTRIAL LABORATORY, 1993 (January), V.58, No.7, P.640-643.

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